Sunday 10 April 2011

Busy !

Hello !

Can you believe the weather we have been having this last week ? I live in North Devon and its been beautiful here ! I hope this is an indication of the summer that we can expect, wouldn't that be lovely ?

It is beautiful here, and we are very lucky to be able to live in such a pretty area.

So, how have your weeks been ? I have been super busy, hence the lack of posts as I had a university assignment that I needed to complete and submit last week, and so no free time to do anything else. Except a session on my new longboard after work last Wednesday. My skills are lacking, but it was serious fun ! I must admit, with a 5 mm wettie, gloves and boots, I didn't notice the cold of the Atlantic, and am raring for another dip ASAP !!

Mr P and I went for dinner with his family on Friday night to a place called the Fishermans Cot in Tiverton, my word the setting of the place was lovely. Right on the banks of a weir, a super tranquil setting ! I would recommend !

I will be playing around a bit with this blog, as its a standard template and I don't really like it, so I plan to fiddle around a little until I am happy with how it looks. I also fully intend to add some photos in postings, but this will all come in good time. I need to feel that I own the blog and see my own stamp on it, as I am not keen on the generic look that it has right now.

I have today cut out the pieces for my second muslin of the Collette patterns crepe dress. I will take some pictures and let you know what alterations I have made. Using my bible 'Fit for real people' I have already lengthened the bodice by 2 inches, as the original pattern was a little short. The bible recommends making any length adjustments first and then making further adjustments once the length is good. So, that is what I have been doing. I also know I will want to drop the neckline by a couple of .inches, and depending on the fit of this second muslin, I think the back needs some work too.

As I am totally new to all this, I will document my changes and then keep my fingers crossed they work OK. The collette pattern is a dream, but there is no line on the pattern pieces to cut if you want to add length, so I made my cut where I thought best. Not sure how well that will work yet ! I also made the same alteration to the back piece as I made to the front.

I know the darts will need to be re-jigged also, but I will look more closely at that when fitting this second muslin.

I will take pictures as I am doing the changes so that we can all see how I get along. One thing I have already learned is that it is easier to make changes to the tissue pattern using a grid marked paper, rather than a plain. I was busy measuring away on the plain, then saw the gridded paper for sale. My word, what a revelation !

People ! I have managed to fit in time to find some more helpful sewing blogs for you, and will post them soon. I also want to share with you some books that I find invaluable in my quest to produce the most amazing, home sewn clothes.

Well, that's me for now. I am going to go take pictures of the muslin and get started on sewing the fitting the second one. I will post pictures for you to see.

Wish me luck !!

K xxx

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